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Top 5 Reasons to Consider Upskilling Yourself Right Now!

In today’s competitive world, you must have thought about upskilling at least once! Upskilling is one of the most credible ways to stand out from the crowd and boost your self-confidence. So, what exactly is upskilling? Upskilling is adding new skills and implementing those skills in your work. Upskilling is not just adding course completion certificates to your resume or job portals, upskilling is a shift in mindset for a progressive approach.

We at Excelsior Certification help you upskill yourself with our high-quality content and prepare you to achieve the agile mindset and progressive approach.


Let’s get into some upskilling statistics around the world

According to Research from the World Economic Forum (WEF),

“Half of all employees around the world need to upskill or reskill by 2025 to embrace new responsibilities driven by automation and new technologies.”


“Upskilling could lead to the net creation of 5.3 million new jobs by 2030.”

Employment potential due to upskilling, by country, 2030 (millions of jobs, % relative boost to country employment)

Image source: PwC data analysis

With the above statistics, we can conclude that there is a huge demand for skilled professionals all over the world. In this blog, I will walk you through the other professional and personal perks of upgrading your skills.


Stay relevant, Stay ahead!

In this ever-changing world of work, staying up-to-date is need of an hour. Everyone wishes to stay ahead. To stay relevant, one need to keep pace with the dynamic changes happening in the industry. Not only for the current role but also for the future. By upskilling yourself, you will be a valuable employee and accountable for new roles and promotions.

To stay relevant and future-ready, identifying the hot trends and in-demand skills is the first step you need to take.

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The more you know, the more you can do

‘Change is the only constant.’ We have always heard that one skill is not enough to survive in this highly competitive world. Multiple skills add value to your current role and you can be a perfect fit for the next project

Get a hike!

According to a report by Gallup,

Gain greater employment opportunities

Discover your capabilities and passion

Make your work life more satisfying

Trust me, Learning is fun!

Upgrade and upskill with Excelsior Certification today!


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